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  • General Organization for Surveillance and Testing

    Quality Is Our Sustainable Asset

    GOST Egypt

    Environmental Services

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    Environmental Services

    General Organization For Surveillance & Testing

    GOST inspection and testing company is one of the companies that provide comprehensive environmental solutions. The company was certified as a house of expertise (consulting office) by the Environmental Affairs Agency and was approved by the Egyptian Accreditation Council, EGAC as an environmental measurement laboratory under the international standard ISO/IEC 17025-2017. 

    The following are the environmental services provided by the company:

    Environmental consulting and services

    • Environmental records and records of hazardous materials and waste
    • Operating licenses, technical files, environmental presentation, and civil protection files
    • Environmental Impact Assessment Studies

    Environmental measurements and analysis of drinking and sewerage water samples and soil analysis, including measurements of

    • Outside air measurements
    • Occupational health measurements and exposure to work environment indicators
    • Thermal stress
    • Inhaled particles
    • Suspended particles
    • Luminous intensity
    • Vibrations
    • Measuring noise levels
    • Welding fumes
    • Gases of the working environment
    • VOC
    • Measurement of gases in enclosed spaces
    • Water quality analysis (drinking water-sewage-industrial wastewater)
    • Chimney exhaust emissions (combustion and industrial)
    • Measuring vehicle exhaust emissions
    GOST Environmental Services